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Takes you to the next level.

Effective mental training for amateur and professional athletes as well as support tool for mental trainers, sports psychologists and clubs/associations

Sports customers and many individual athletes trust Mindance

Hannover 96
Deutscher Fechterbund
Einracht Frankfurt
DFB Deutscher Fußball-Bund
Union Berlin

All-in-one platform for top sporting performance.

With the wide range of different formats, athletes can take their performance to the next level through mental training.

Mental strength makes the difference in the decisive moment!

Reduce nervousness and mental blockages
Come back after setbacks
Achieve full performance level
Grow beyond yourself when necessary
Mentally and psychologically stable and focused despite high pressure
Do not become a plaything of circumstances and the opponent

An App. Many Possibilities

Digital training plan in the app - on
your smartphone or on the web

Personalized training plans

Creation of individual training plans with
self-selected exercises, courses,
content for the respective athlete

Digital + Human.

Contact + booking option
for mental trainers/psychologists

Valuable analysis

  • Number of active athletes/teams
  • Extent of exercises/content used
  • Time course of use
  • Overview of the type and content of the content used

Targeted Coaching

Continuous analysis of usage,
derivation of recommendations for action and
adaptation of the training plan

Personal Care

Professional-human support +
mental training on the app

Mental Training redefined.

Provision of individualized training plans and mental trainers/sport psychologists

Mindance is your digital
mental coach.


Mental support at any time.


Mental training can be carried out by yourself anywhere.


Training content from sports psychologists, experienced & qualified.

Empower your people - invest in mind!

Book demo

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann

Tested quality

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PME familienservice logo

mindance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the pioneer and for 30 years the largest work-life balance provider in Germany, the pme Familienservice Group.

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