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Real experts. Real results.


Lectures per year in our calendar of events


individual topics from mental health to career, sports and much more.


Participants our online or face-to-face events.

Expert knowledge in compact Live lectures

  • Rich variety of methods and topics (exercise, nutrition, stress prevention, leadership, etc.)
  • Different format lengths for in between and intensive
  • Large team of experts and regular top speakers

Mentally strong & Healthy leadership

Leadership Specials on topics such as healthy leadership, team resilience, overload in the team, work-life balance, conflict prevention in the team and much more!

Train & stay fit

Exercise & Stay FitNumerous exercise classes on yoga, Pilates, core, progressive muscle relaxation, and more with experienced training team.

Tested quality

Audit BerufundfamilieKiwaTop ArbeitgeberDatenschutzErfolgsfaktor

Empower your people - invest in mind!

Book demo

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann


PME familienservice logo

mindance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the pioneer and for 30 years the largest work-life balance provider in Germany, the pme Familienservice Group.

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