Book Demo
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Create trust with your look and feel.

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Companies benefited from at least 10% sales growth through consistent branding


Increasing the recognition value of a brand through the use of a characteristic color


Reduction of customer value for companies that connect with customers without branding

Ideal employee approach

Make Mindance your own health platform and incorporate company logo and colors for a unique user experience.

Identify and Leverage Potentials

Our expertise flows into the joint identification of improvement potentials in your company. We share benchmarks, best practice models and develop appropriate measures.

Tested quality

Audit BerufundfamilieKiwaTop ArbeitgeberDatenschutzErfolgsfaktor

Empower your people - invest in mind!

Book demo

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann


PME familienservice logo

mindance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the pioneer and for 30 years the largest work-life balance provider in Germany, the pme Familienservice Group.

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