Book Demo
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Own company screen in the app.

All Health News at a glance


Makes the BGM as a 360° platform experienceable

User-based data that convinces

Central control through one tool

Use the dashboard as an organizing platform for your health offerings and employee communications in the app and on the web. The content can be maintained independently.

Promote internal company news better

Use the Company Screen as a central tool for your health offerings and as a communication channel in the app and on the web. Employees no longer have to search. The content can be maintained independently in the dashboard.

Identify and Leverage Potentials

Our expertise flows into the joint identification of improvement potentials in your company. We share benchmarks, best practice models and develop appropriate measures.

Tested quality

Audit BerufundfamilieKiwaTop ArbeitgeberDatenschutzErfolgsfaktor

Empower your people - invest in mind!

Book demo

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann


PME familienservice logo

mindance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the pioneer and for 30 years the largest work-life balance provider in Germany, the pme Familienservice Group.

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