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Real commitment. Real results.


Offerings: Videos, audios, podcasts, music & sounds


individual topics from mental health to career, sports and much more.


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Coordinated to individual needs

No matter what topic is currently most challenging or moving you in your life, we personalize your Mindance world and suggest courses that fit you perfectly.

Achieve goals playfully and interactively

Valuable knowledge, mental exercises or cognitive behavioral therapy - with the right methodology to your individual goal.

Effective training: Whether in the office or on the train.

Not in the mood for a course? Our media library offers short exercises & knowledge for in between.

Tested quality

Audit BerufundfamilieKiwaTop ArbeitgeberDatenschutzErfolgsfaktor

Empower your people - invest in mind!

Book demo

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann

Head of Sales, Dennis Lehmann


PME familienservice logo

mindance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the pioneer and for 30 years the largest work-life balance provider in Germany, the pme Familienservice Group.

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