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Relaunch of our Mindance app

Not only has the look and feel changed significantly, the content has also been revised and expanded.

Our focus was always on the aspect of easy integration of exercises and programmes into the individual's everyday work and life.

The new Mindance app offers users the opportunity to improve and maintain their mental and physical health.

This facilitates access to professional help in difficult phases of life.

The expansion of the app content and the broad and long-standing expertise of PME Family Services made it possible to develop an all-in-one platform for all employers who value healthy, motivated and productive employees.

The all-in-one mental health app.

Personalised Mindance world

EAP, health promotion, personnel development and employee app in one with personalised offers depending on the focus of interest.

Effective training: whether in the office or on the train.

Our media centre offers numerous exercises & knowledge for in between. Valuable knowledge, mental exercises or cognitive behavioural therapy - with the right methodology to achieve your individual goal.

Professional support

Psychological counselling by the 24/7 ExpertLine or 1:1 coaching with certified therapists and systemic consultants

Unique employer features

Communicate better within the company with the Mind Manager and thus promote the well-being of employees - in the Mindance look or corporate design

Top speakers, 2,000+ events per year

Live presentations with renowned experts on a wide range of topics where users can share their experiences and support each other.

“Mindance is the leading provider in the mental health market. Mindance provides employees with proactive and evidence-based support to address stressors early.“

Book demo

Managing Director, Sebastian Hämmerl

Managing Director, Sebastian Hämmerl

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PME familienservice logo

mindance is a wholly owned subsidiary of the pioneer and for 30 years the largest work-life balance provider in Germany, the pme Familienservice Group.

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